

I know that comedy and politics go hand and hand, but does politics go with wrestling?  Apparently yes.  Last night on the Comedy Central’s The Daily Show they had footage from this weeks great Monday Night Raw.  What they were covering was radical Zeb Colter and his views on immigration and his “Real America”.  Colter is suppose to be a tea party member who wants to keep America pure and like it use to be in his eyes (Without immigrants, even though we are almost all immigrants to this land).

(This is what happened when Zeb found out Taco Bell was Mexican food)

He has taken on such clients as the All-American American Jack Swagger and has them fight to promote his views.  This last week, since Swagger is out with a hand injury, he has a new client, A FOREIGNER!  This man is former United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro.  He believes that Cesaro, though not from America, came to the country the right why and displays what a good American immigrant is.  Another important thing in Zeb’s mind about Cesaro is that he speaks English (Also four other languages).

(Cesaro might not be from Italy, but he knows how to beat up a beat)

After Zeb’s speech on the current hot button issue of immigration, Cesaro had a match against Englishman, William Regal.  Cesaro made quick work of the veteran Regal, but the story that caught The Daily Show’s attention was what the commentators were talking about.  They even mentioned the host filling in for Jon Stewart, Jon Oliver and how Zeb was not pleased that a foreigner (He is from England….that’s the joke).  Oliver took offence to this (jokingly, The Daily Show is a comedic commentary on politics) and reacted like this.

(Check his real reaction on the link below)

Immigration & the WWE 

As you saw Oliver actually complimented the WWE about talking about this and felt they were more open about the issue than other networks or politicians are.  Obviously people in the WWE are playing characters and they argued on both sides of the issue during commentary of the match.  Oliver was mocked Colter and sent a challenge Zeb’s way after ripping off the sleeves to his suit and grabbing a toy title belt.  Oliver cut a promo on Zeb with WWE Hall of Famer, Mick Foley.  They both obviously disagreed with his character and offered him a chance to come on the show.  Though after this challenge Foley said he was busy promoting his documentary on Santa Claus and could not back up Oliver.

(Sorry about that Jon boy!)

Will he accept?  That would be awesome if he would.  He plays a character that I think would have a good back and forth dialog with Oliver.  Zeb is great on the mic and is very committed to his character and maybe if people saw how ridiculous he is, they might realize this issue is just that, ridiculous.  This is just my view, but this blog is not about politics, unless wrestling is involved.  I would like to see the WWE continue to push this, but in a smart way, I am ok if it is somewhat offence, just have it be interesting, not just for the shock value.  What do you guys think?  I love seeing WWE on other shows I like, and I know Vince McMahon does as well.  Free publicity!

(Millions of Dollars, Millions of Dollars!)
The Daily Show also gave the WWE the sacred spot of the moment of zen at the end of the show.  This is a video clip from something outrageous that happened during the day that is so funny or crazy it doesn’t need an explanation.  It is definitely a shout out to the tea party with the “Don’t tread on me flag”, but I’ll let you see the clip yourself.  So here it is, your moment of zen (I always wanted to do that).  Thanks for reading!

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