Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello everyone and a happy independence day!  Sorry for no Raw review this week, it has been crazy busy, but next week I will get back at it.  I will give you a quick recap though.

(Hoooooooo!  Happy Birthday America from Jim Duggan!)
  • Sheamus was a bully jerk face again (No Really?!?!)
  • Daniel Bryan responded by saying he should kick him self in the face by calling 1-800-FELLA (What I was thinking as well).
(Hopefully he will be champion again soon!)
  • The Wyatt family is coming next week! (They have had great videos promoting them coming and they look really cool and creepy).


(Yeah you won’t take back roads anymore, am I right?)
  • One more week until the pay per view, Money in the Bank! (My favorite pay per view of the year!)
  • The wrestlers fight in a ladder match where they are to get the case above the ring, if they get it, the guy has a contract for the big title (Either World or WWE title).  They can cash in the contract anytime they want, even after the champion had a match and is injured or tired (What usually happens).  The show is unpredictable and pushes a talent that hasn’t usually had the title (Which I love).
(Cool stuff like this happens)
Have a fun fourth of July and I will leave you with this!

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