RAW from the BAR

RAW from the BAR

So this week I watched Raw at the good ol’ Mill Street Tavern in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.  If you didn’t know (This time you don’t have to call somebody) Cannon Falls only has 4,000 people in the town, so on a Monday night, it is a little slow.  At one point my friend and I where the only ones at the bar.  Of course I was having my favorite drink, Mountain Dew with Vodka (I know so classy).  I have it so much the bartender knows what to get me when I sit down at the bar (It’s my Steveweiser (Stone Cold Steve Austin’s drink of choice)).

(Out of courtesy for the bar, I did not do this with my drinks)

So he also knows if I come in on a Monday Night that I want the channel to be on USA (The channel RAW is on).  There are three TVs, two had game 6 of the NHL (Hockey) Stanley Cup finals, which all bars would have on, but one had on RAW (Yeah I am that guy).

(I wonder if their fights are fake too?)

The TV was also on mute and I did not have my full attention on RAW, so I watched it again today.  It wasn’t as good of RAW as last week, but it also made it worse that I didn’t really watch it live.  Also they knew RAW was going to be up against  game six of the Stanley Cup, so I don’t know if that played into it as well, but I thought it was a solid show.  Let’s get started.

(My reaction to the start of RAW)
Daniel Bryan started out this RAW with a great promo about him being the weak link.  With anyone else I feel this angle he has been in would get stale, but he brings so much to his character that I still like it.  And he does something even more amazing, make Randy Orton interesting! (No really I am serious)  Both characters are faces right now, but both are also showing heel tendencies, which to me makes their characters more interesting.  They start out with an angry conversation then a brawl that gets them both disqualified, which leads to their match in the main event.  I like both of their styles, but I think Bryan can get a good match out of anyone (even the stiff legged Great Khali…..BOOK IT!).
(A Great Khali in a dress match!)
Ok did I mention I hate Sheamus?  Well yeah I dislike this Brogue (Like bro, get it except he is Irish) and he gave me another reason to do so.  He has these new commercial like things that are suppose to be funny, but of course are not to me.  The commercials are advertising to call 1-800-FELLA (He says fella because he is an Irish stereo type haha so funny).  Here is one of them that showed on this RAW.
(Funny Right?!?!)
So I have a few questions……
1. Why is the lady not freaked out of a large pale man in front of her?
2. Why is Sheamus always in his wrestling gear outside of the ring and arena?
3. 1-800-FELLA could not be a phone number because of the number of digits (That is just a statement).
4. What is the purpose of this? (It doesn’t push him or show him doing anything new or funny)
5. If they are doing this, why don’t they mention it on the show?
(If I don’t just ignore it, this will happen)
I loved CM Punk confronting Paul Heyman about Brock Lesnar attacking him last week.  They both brought up personal stuff about the past and it was cool to hear about their history.  Also both men are amazing on the mic and really can tell a story.  I am excited to see where this feud goes.  Punk forgave Heyman, but the tension is still very high!  And it was made more intense later by Heyman by bringing out his current client, Curtis Axel to save CM Punk from a two on one attack.  Punk was not very happy by this “kind” gesture by Heyman and felt he could handle the two on his own.  Though because of this Punk and Axel will team up against the Prime Time Players next week (Which I am super excited about)!
(I was as excited as the PTP thinking about millions of dollars)
I also liked the continued feud between AJ and Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn had a match (Easy win against a jobber, I don’t even want to name her) and AJ came out to taunt her.  She did this by wearing a muscle body suit pretending to be Kaitlyn and reenacted Kaitlyn getting Catfished (Secret admirer stuff then meeting later) by Big E Langston.  Big E played Kaitlyn and she was very hurt by this, so bring it up made her a lil pissed.  I hope they keep giving time to this feud (Yes because I think both of them are hot, but it is also interesting to see a good diva story).  Mark Henry had another great promo which did this to John Cena’s promo.
(Crushed him….)
John Cena had a good promo just Henry has been on lately, but both are doing a good job making this an interesting feud we have already seen once before.
(Go Henry! Go Henry Go Henry)
Sorry I have to post this too (It’s too good not to).
(He deserves one of these for last weeks performance (I mean the award))
Now wrapping up a couple things,
I like Dolph Zigger continuing to attack and break up Alberto Del Rio’s matches (especially against Chris Jericho the past two matches).  Jericho and Ziggler have feuded in the past and that could be interesting if they incorporate it into Del Rio feud.
(Just keep giving me more Dolph and I will be happy)
Where was Zack Ryder? 😦 (I am still a fan even though he is a jobber now) :/
(I know it’s a lost cause)
And finally wow Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton’s street fight match in the main event was great.  They both did really good jobs and there was a lot of cool spots.  Bryan dove through the ropes only to get smashed by a chair from Orton, Orton was power bombed through a table from the ring apron, Bryan was thrown into a table (Didn’t break right, but it was still cool) and Orton lost!  Bryan had him tap to the cross face (His finisher or called the Yes or No Lock) while using a kendo stick to apply pressure.  Bryan had been obsessing over beating Orton to show he is not the weak link, but lost in a count out and won in a count out the last two matches.  I wish they would have saved this result for a Pay Per View, but it was a great match on free TV! It was cool to see Orton show respect to Bryan even after the loss.
(Proud of you)
Please tell your friends about this blog!  Tell me what you think about it and write a comment please.  And my advice for the week, subscribe to a wrestling podcast.  Why not?  They are usually funny, joke about wrestling, but also show their love for it (A lot like this blog).  My favorite is Smart Wrestling Fan, go look it up on iTunes or go to their web site and check it out!  Thank you for reading!

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