Send in the Clowns

Send in the Clowns

As you all know I am not too fond of Sheamus, but very fond of Mr. Zack Ryder.  This blog post is why I like Zack even more now!  Sheamus has his videos that tell people to call 1-800-FELLA (It pains me to type that in) and they are about him Brogue Kicking (His finisher) things to solve problems (Because that’s how problems get solved, with violence) (Be A Star!).

(Finally he found an opponent as dumb as he is)

He Brogue kicks everyone, that is what he do!  And now he is taking his skills outside the ring for the good of mankind (God bless him!).  Here is one of them.

(I’m sure they would let him in without a shirt….or pants)
And now Zack Ryder has come out with a parody video, Zack Ryder’s 1-800-WWWYKI (Woo Woo Woo You Know It) about him getting buried (Not used right or wasting his talent and time) in the WWE.  Getting buried is what Zack Ryder do right now in the WWE! (The “that’s what he do” thing is Mark Henry’s catch phrase and I love it, so I use it all the time)  Here it is, Ryder being awesome (But also always complaining) about being buried.  (Sorry, I could not get the video to work on the blog, but there is a link below)
(I’m sorry Zack!  Don’t leave me!)

So there you have it!  This is it for the post, let me know what you like, hate or love about the blog.  Please share with your friends and comment!  Also RIP Doink the Clown, he passed today and was a WWE Legend, well kind of.  But he will be missed!

(Doink gave a lot of kids smiles and also nightmares)

And remember kids, Take Care, Spike Your Hair, Woo Woo Woo…….You Know It!

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