Smark N’ Marks

Smarks N’ Marks

Welcome to my new blog.  My goal is to write about one of my biggest passions, professional wrestling.  I am a recent college grad and my dream in life is to one day work for the WWE or something in this business (Triple H Joke).  In this blog I don’t want to sound like a Smark, if anything I want to sound like a Mark.  I love professional wrestling, you take the good, you take the bad and then you have my passion.
(Picture of me a couple years ago: yes I am a Cena fan and I was very excited, notice the sweat stains)


But to I will explain more, if you don’t know what Smark or Mark means.  A Smark is the “smart” fan who thinks they know about the pro wrestling business and the tricks of the trade.  The internet fan that loves the rumors and back stage talk.  The internet fan who wants to know everything that is going on that is wrestling.    These people are usually very critical on the product, cheer for heels, either because they are very good at what they do, or they want to be cool to cheer on the bad guy.  Another thing I have noticed about Smarks is that they also are downers at times, not all of them are, but I know some and it is hard to watch wrestling with them.  When people can’t even enjoy the good things about wrestling because they feel that it still could have been better.  They are pretty much the hipsters of wrestling.  If it is cool or popular they usually don’t like it.  I feel they also compare everything to the Attitude Era (The time during the late 90s, Monday Night War with WCW, Stone Cold, The Rock….Wikipedia it if you want to learn more).  They feel that things are not as good as they use to be, some people are like this with music or movies.  I feel they are not all bad, they appreciate when things are done well, they enjoy the technical wrestling and also appreciate wrestling at other levels besides WWE or TNA.  They do though have a huge passion and care about the product a lot.  This is probably one of the reasons they are so critical because they love it so much.  It might seem like I am trashing Smarks, but I am one! I am trying to be more of a Mark, but it’s a day by day thing.  I just got my two month token.


(John Cena T-shirt Guy: I think he secretly did this as a scream for attention to gain his love… worked)


Marks cheer for the good guys or faces and boo the bad guys or heels.  These fans enjoy the big finishing moves, the big stars and are along for the ride.  Some don’t even know that wrestling is fake (sorry if I ruined that for you).  They also sometimes don’t appreciate good things about wrestling, such as heels.  The heels sometimes are the most talented wrestlers in the business. Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Mr.Perfect, Ted Dibiase Sr., even Stone Cold Steve Austin was a heel at times.  Some also don’t appreciate the little things, but they do love when a plan comes together (Yes like the A-Team).  The thing I do love about Marks is that they are along for the ride, they let their walls down and enjoy wrestling for what it is (Yes sometimes it is crap, but there is always something good going on).  But whether good or bad, it’s still something I love.


(It’s still real to me dammit!)
So in this blog I have a couple of goals.  I want to talk about current wrestling, somethings I enjoy and notice(I’ll try not to complain too much), funny stuff, cool stuff and pretty much stuff I am interested in dealing with wrestling.  Ya know the good stuff!  Please comment, tell me what you want me to talk about.  Let’s start a conversation, us wrestling fans have to stay together!  My next blog will be the format I want the blog to be.  Thanks for reading!  And these are my opinions about Marks and Smarks from my experiences.

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