Category Archives: Uncategorized

Starting a new

So I have been away from this blog business for a couple weeks, the reason being that Blogger (The blog site I had been using) has been freezing and not letting me post anything.  This has been super duper frustrating, but the show (or blog) must go on!  I have switched over here to Word Press to start a new blog.  I have put my older blogs on here as well, so if you want to go back and look at those, please do!  I am going to use this post to catch up on things I missed in the past couple weeks (trust me there were a lot).

  • Darren Young (guy on the right) came out as the first openly gay WWE Superstar after TMZ asked him if he thought someone in the business would be able to be gay and successful.  He said he was (though he is a jobber) and the WWE supported him.  They supported him so much that they gave him and his partner Titus O’Neil a big push.  The Prime Time Players have been winning matches every week now.  I’m fine with them pushing the two (I like them both) but I hope they are pushing them because of their talent and not so the WWE doesn’t look bad having the gay guy always lose.

  • Daniel Bryan and John Cena had a great match at Summer Slam, and Bryan actually won the title (I figured this because Cena was injured and needed to come out to have surgery).  What happened after the match was the story though.  Randy Orton tried to cash in his Money in the Bank contract, but Bryan still looked like he had fight in him.  The special guest referee, Triple H, went to shake Bryan’s hand, but instead delivered a pedigree (his finishing move) and called Orton in the ring.  Orton then cashed in and stole the title from Bryan.  A lot of people (internet fans) were pissed that their champion was dethroned and screwed, but I was MARKING OUT!  It was such a cool and unexpected moment that they were teasing at the end of the match, and when it happened I freaked out.  A great moment that has set up a great story!  Orton and Triple H are actually interesting again!

  • Now history repeats it’s self a little, Stone Cold Steve Austin (The outlaw) went against Vince McMahon and the ways of the WWE in the Attitude Era, and now Daniel Bryan has his own fight.  Triple H screwed Bryan because of his size and look (the look and attitude was like stone cold), and that is why he made Randy Orton the champion (has the look).  Triple H hates Orton (Orton once kissed and RKOed Stephanie McMahon (His wife) in front of Triple H), but will put that aside for the good of the company.  So now the McMahons are together against Bryan as he tries to get his title back.  He also has to go through the McMahon’s muscle, The Sheild (they had nothing else to do, but it doesn’t make sense because they are against the corporation), so all the odds are stacked against him.  This should lead to some great story lines.

  • AJ cut an awesome promo on the whole cast of Total Divas, saying that they did not deserve to be in the WWE (which for most of them that is true).  It was exciting to actually mark out for a diva or a women’s wrestler (which AJ is instead of a diva).

  • Paul Heyman and CM Punk’s story line has been gold.  Punk and Brock Lesnar had a great match at Summer Slam and the story is still fresh.  Punk and especially Heyman are great actors that fuel this story of a son betraying his father figure or vice versa.  Good stuff people!

  • Thank you for the read!  I am going to try to do the blog as much as I did before, but here on Word Press.  I am a little rusty at blogging and it was hard to think of the top things to recap, but it will be back to normal soon!  Word Press is also a lot different than Blogger, so I am also catching up on that!  So please follow the blog, tell your friends and have a great day! YES! YES! YES! YOU KNOW IT!

This One’s For You Fella!

This One’s For You Fella!

If you read this blog, then you know I am not a fan of one Irish fella that goes by the name of Sheamus.  So this news comes like music to my ears.  According to, “MRI results indicate that Sheamus has suffered a torn labrum in his left shoulder and will require surgery, scheduled for next week. As a result, The Celtic Warrior is expected to be sidelined for four to six months.”

(Can’t shake that one off)
Though I never want to see anyone get or be hurt, I am glad I will not have to see Sheamus for awhile.  Hopefully the WWE can think of a good story and make him interesting.  I don’t want to hate any Superstar, but when their character sucks, it is kind of hard not to.  I wonder if he will make a surprise come back at the Royal Rumble that is in January.  Though I do not know what they could do to fix his character, I would say make him not such a jerk if he is a face.  It would be cool to see him as a heel or more depth or a good story as a face.  I just hate it when faces are giant jerks and bullies to people, and we are suppose to cheer them (Kinda messed up).
(Bully mode ENGAGE)
So I hope Sheamus has good recovery (Not speedy or at least don’t let him get back into the ring anytime soon) and hopefully he can have a new character as well.  I really like his tweet he sent out today-
Well. @WWE will be a lot less Cetlic for up to half-a-year, me #MITB shoulder is banjacked… No tears. It’s not me drinking arm.
So I feel there is still hope for him yet!  Now we just need to get ride of The Miz (The official host of Summer Slam….ugh).  Now Miz is officially the worst.  I know I had a blog about why I can’t hate him (I would do the same if I was in his shoes, hopefully better), but he is just so awful!  Please stop!
(Yes because you stink (awful joke) )
Thank you again for reading the blog!  Hope all is well with you and yours!  Pass it along, comment and have a great day. (I was going to say awesome, but I did not want to think of The Miz anymore)

Who wants a make over?

Who wants a make over?

Hello fellow wrestling lovers (and everyone else)!  Hope you are having a Tuesday that was better than your Monday, but not quite as good as your Wednesday.  Ok, I’m just babbling now, let’s get to the show….MONDAY NIGHT RAW!

(Thankfully this RAW did not have Sheamus!)
The show stars with the corporate makeover of #1 contender for the WWE title, Daniel Bryan.  They show a funny video montage of Bryan going to the spa and getting pampered (It was really funny).  Then Bryan comes out in full suit, hair slicked back in a tie, but he still had his huge lumberjack beard.  Vince McMahon is not too happy about this and wants Bryan to shave his beard to get his support.  Bryan hesitantly agrees and the staff then brings out a barber chair.  Vince introduces the barber, which I thought would be WWE legend, Brutus “The Barber” Beef Cake, but no it’s resident jobber WADE BARRETT!  I guess his grandpa use to be a barber.  Then in Barrett fashion, he gets screwed over and Bryan ends up shaving off Barrett’s beard (He even jobs to a beard trimmer!).  Then Bryan takes off his suit to show his t-shirt that says, “The Beard is Here!”, with an arrow pointing up to his beard (This is a joke to John Cena’s, “The Champ is Here” t-shirt that has an arrow down to his title).
(Which do you choose?!?!)
  • The next match RVD goes up against World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio.  RVD wins with a cool roll up where he uses his legs for leverage by twisting the opponents legs back (Confusing in the explanation, but another cool and innovative move of his).  This match was surprisingly quick (Like a lot of matches tonight), but the real story was after the match.  Del Rio’s personal ring announcer, Ricardo Rodriquez, who just returned from an “injury” (He did banned drugs) was attacked after the match.  By who you ask?  By Del Rio in his rage from losing, he destroyed Rodriquez (And when I mean destroyed I mean killed!).  Del Rio kicked him in the head, hit him with a ring bucket (The one they use in boxing to spit in), and drop kicked his head while it was between the steal steps and the ring post.  Del Rio is trying to get heat (Boooos) anyway he can, but is having a hard time getting a crowd reaction, so by doing this he hopes the at least some people will hate him more.
(RIP Ricardo, you will be missed)
  • Next the great feud between Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow continued by Cody giving Damien his brief case back (Though it had a little water damage).  The brief case was ruined from being thrown into the Gulf of Mexico, but more importantly, the actually contract was soaked in water as well. I wonder if it is void now?  Though either way these two have a match against each other at Summer Slam, which I am super excited for, both guys are great.  Rhodes and Sandow are amazing performers and have funny characters, and I am glad they are getting time for a story.
(Damn, that is a great mustache)
  • Now it is time for a Wrestlemania rematch between Ryback and Mark Henry.  I was excited for this match, it’s two angry monsters fighting, the clash of the titans, but Ryback just left the match.  I don’t get his character right now, he is suppose to be a bully, but runs away or makes excuses all the time.  Maybe the WWE are trying to make bullies look weak, but this is to the expenses of Ryback’s career because he has looked bad the last month!
(Unleash the angry Cena!)
  • Cena gives a great intense promo in retaliation to Bryan’s earlier.  He kills it, Bryan did a good job about saying how he is not an entertainer, but a wrestler (Which made all the Smarks happy) and he would wrestle even if he wasn’t in the WWE.  Bryan says that Cena would leave wrestling if he was fired (Which will never happen, unless he pulls a Aaron Hernandez or Chris Benoit should I say), but Cena comes back saying it would be a disgrace to wrestle anywhere else.  He says that the WWE is the NFL and anywhere else is like arena football (Ouch, hit to TNA, whatever they will be out of business soon).  Cena says that he is also injured, his elbow is shaped like a football, and wow I never noticed it before, but it looks bad!  But Cena killed it here and reminds me that he is the reason I am into wrestling.
(They’re Heeerreeeee!)
  • Wyatt’s beat up Tons of Funk, (Whoa no way) but also have a good segment with Kane, and tease an Inferno match (The ring is surrounded by fire and you have to throw your opponent out of the ring and catch them on fire to win) atSummer Slam (Which would be awesome, I have only seen one!).  So I am excited for this match even more than before!
(Kane knows)
  • In Diva news, Layla turned on Kaitlyn, AJ is still crazy and I hope there are no more references that effect the story from the reality show, Total Divas (There will be ugh). Not a bad show, but it is a reality show (Which are fake) about something fake, so it’s kinda like Inception.
(Was the Divas Division just a dream?)
  • Christian beat Heath Slater, and I still can’t believe Christian is fighting atSummer Slam for the World Heavyweight title against Alberto Del Rio (That title has really taken a hit in prestige).
(He gets his one more match)
  • CM Punk then fights Paul Heyman’s client, Intercontinental champion Curtis Axel.  It was a decent match, but what made it interesting was Punk trying to attack Heyman at ring side every time he could.  The match ended in a DQ when Punk finally got his hands on Heyman, but Brock Lesnar came to help him.  Punk and Lesnar brawled, which Punk had some good shots in, but Lesnar got the upper hand when Punk tried to hit Heyman with a chair.  Lesnar beat up Punk pretty bad, which lead to Heyman challenging Punk to a one on one match next week.  Of course something fishy is going to happen, but this could be funny/interesting.
(Thank you Paul!)
  • Kofi Kingston came back from an injury to no reaction from the crowd against Fandango.  The crowd was soooooo dead, it was awkward., but Kofi did win with his new long trunks!

(He will never be heel and good I sadly think :/ )
  • Zeb Colter and the Real Americans, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro, make fun of the Green Bay Packers (Because they are heels and in Green Bay, WI), which gets me fired up at least as a Packers fan.  This also puts me on the side of The Usos, but they disappoint me and Packer nation by losing to The Real Americans.
(Damn you and your awesome mustache!)
  • Big E Langston got the best of Dolph Ziggler by a distraction from AJ and Kaitlyn fighting.  They have one upped each other, but Big E is the only one with a win.  I hope Dolph gets back in the WHC picture or something interesting happens to him, because right now ugh.
(Please be awesome again Dolph)
  • Now the main event that was booked by GM Brad Maddox from seeing 6 men in the ring fighting each other (How creative!).  I wonder if they had anything planned at the beginning of the night for the main event, maybe a Divas match?!? I can’t wait for the RAW where they don’t have a main event so they have to bring out a talking dog or some side show act (I can dream).  So it is The Shield against Cena, Orton and Bryan.  Somehow The Shield get’s DQed by interfering with their own match (The time of the show was running out), so this made no sense and it is not apart of the rules, but WRESTLING!  Then Orton RKOed (His awesome finisher) Bryan and Cena, and made an awesome tease that he was going to cash in his Money in The Bank, but The Shield stopped him.
(Orton is finally turning….HEEL!)
Thank you for the read and support.  Pretty good RAW (Finally a live one again) and one that really helped build the upcoming pay per view Summer Slam.  Please share the blog, comment and have an awesome day! Also shout out to Mitch Rush who watched this with me!

Now that is a Low Blow

Now that is a Low Blow

Hello all and happy “HUMP DAY” (In that Camel’s voice from the Geico commercial)!  Slow news day, but there is one interesting thing that has happen recently……..A SURPRISE NUT SHOT! (Do I have you ATTENTION!?!?)  So after his match against Big E Langston, Randy Orton was attacked by a fan in Cape Town, South Africa.  When Orton was celebrating on the top rope a fan creep into the ring and uppercut Randy in between the legs.  A lot of Smarks dislike Orton and probably cheered for this, but I can always appreciate a nut shot as well (As long as it is not happening to me).  Here is the video.
(Randy didn’t sell that nut shot too well)
Orton then went to attack the fan, but the security came between them and escorted the fan out of the arena.  Another interesting thing that was in the longer version of the video was that Big E Langston tried to beat up the fan (He was outside of the ring while this was going on).  The security had to hold him back and he didn’t end up doing anything (Thankfully for the “fan” because he probably would have been killed).  Also in the extended video, Orton gets up on the turn buckle and uses his two middle fingers, in Stone Cold Steve Austin style, to show how he feels about that “fan”.
(Can I get a HELL YEAH)
So the weirdest thing was that reported this.  I found this out on a pro wrestling news website first (Yes I am an internet fan like that) and soon after, not only commented on it, but showed a video of it too.  This is surprising WWE would do this, they usually would try to sweep this under the rug because it doesn’t look good or professional.  In my opinion this will make it more appealing for other fans to run in and attack superstars to get on  I doubt I would, but with enough liquid courage and encouragement I might (And I am only kind of crazy).  Also I don’t think this is a story (Fake), which confuses me why WWE would post it.  This happened at a “House” show (A show not filmed, smaller, just so WWE can get to more cities this way) and story lines usually don’t happen here, and I doubt this would be one.  It’s interesting for sure and I wonder if anything will come of it.  Well the “fan” is in jail, so maybe this will keep people from doing it (Some still will now I bet).
(Well it might not have been this bad of a nut shot, but it being unsuspecting, Orton probably had no time to brace for it)
Thank you guys for the read, I appreciate it!  Please pass along, tell your friends and enjoy.  Now for more nut shot gifs!
(Right in Punk’s Straight Edge!)
(Are you serious Low Blow?)
(No nut shot goes unpunished Cena)
(Even the RAW GM, Brad Maddox is getting in on it!)
(And if that wasn’t enough, here ya go)

“Be careful what you blog, you never know who will read it!”

“Be careful what you blog, you never know who will read it!”

Welcome to another blog from The Educated Wrassler.  Hope you guys are having a good start to your week and I am glad you choose to read my blog today!  Tell me what you think, IT”S DOESN’T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK (Yes, it does, I’m not a jerk like The Rock).  Well let’s get down to business, here is your review, from me, to you, forMONDAY NIGHT RAW!

(Because I am starting out the show!)
Vince McMahon starts the show, though I can remember when he would start the show and it would be a big deal, but now it’s nothing special (Sad times 😦 ).  He use to always have big news that would shake things up, but now all he is doing is making RAW GM, Brad Maddox, apologize for letting WWE Champion John Cena, pick his opponent forSummer Slam.  Well Vince proceeds to trash talk number one contender for the WWE Championship Daniel Bryan, and eventually Bryan comes out to defend himself.  I really wish Bryan was able to shoot (Real talk Vince about how good he is and kinda poo on Vince), but they just had silly banter.  Then Vince said he wanted both men to lose atSummer Slam and trashed talk Cena about being old, which was kinda interesting (Though I doubt it will lead to anything).  This segment could have been huge, but hopefully they let Bryan drop a pipe bomb (A shoot) like CM Punk, but Bryan is already super over (Popular), so I doubt they would.
(Henry ANGRY!)
  • Mary Henry and the Usos went against The Shield, in a match where Henry dominated and it looked like he would win, but another spear by The Shields, Roman Reigns ended the match.  I wish it would have been Henry and Big Show to team up against The Shield, but Show has been injured.  The Usos have done well though in this spot I feel though.
(Is RVD in the title hunt?)
  • RVD beat Fandango via count out in a good match.  Both guys are very talented and can do some cool high flying moves.  I wonder what they are doing with RVD, is he going for a title, because there is no story line with him right now.
(Now the “AJ is cray cray” segment)
  • AJ loses to Kaitlyn from her spear, which continues their rivalry.  So AJ has beat Kaitlyn twice on Pay Per View, then I guess the Divas division has nothing going, so they are keeping this story going.  After this match Dolph Ziggler comes out to challenge his former friend and body guard, Big E Langston. Ziggler wants revenge because he feels like Big E has betrayed him and is going after AJ, and also E kicked the crap out of him a couple weeks ago.
(AJ I didn’t mean it, it, it was a love tap!)
  • AJ brakes up this actually pretty good match by losing it on Dolph and giving him the win via DQ.  Then Big E freaks out at AJ for costing him the match.
(I will date your mom, and you will like it!)
  • Alberto Del Rio and Christian face off again after Del Rio had a cheap win onSmackdown last week.  It was a hard fought match with an awesome finish.  Christian reversed the arm lock (Del Rio’s finishing move) and hooked Del Rio up in a pin.  Will Christian be the new number one contender?  I don’t know because Del Rio (A heel) gets to pick his opponent for his title and this doesn’t work.  It works with Cena because he is a good guy and a fighting champion so he wants top competition, but Del Rio (As a heel) wants an easy win.  So even though Christian looks like the clear choice because he last beat him, if I was a heel like Del Rio, I would pick the janitor Scruffy for my opponent.  This just doesn’t work, so something will have to happen onSmackdown this week when he chooses his opponent.
(Fear the stache!)
  • Cody Rhodes has been great against Damien Sandow.  Last week he threw Sandow’s Money in the Bank brief case into the Gulf of Mexico and Sandow tried to swim to get it back (But he can’t swim).  These two have been gold together and I am glad they have a story.  Also Sandow had a great speech against Cody starting out with, “Damn you Cody, Damn you.”, it was hilarious.  Oh and Cody beat Wade Barrett (Huge surprise, he jobs every time now it seems).
(Will these two BEST FRIENDS be able to settle their differences with a hug?)
  • The answer is no, Daniel Bryan beats Kane (He is the one who needs to look good in this match).  The finish was cool with Bryan reversing Kane’s choke slam in mid air and doing a roll up pin.  Then after the match, Kane choke slams Bryan to send a message to the Wyatts (But I thought they were friends?!?!).
(Now the Wyatts are here!)
  • Kane almost jumps Bray Wyatt, but they get the upper hand and beat up Kane.  Wyatt says his reason for attacking Kane, was that he called himself the “Devil’s Favorite Demon”, and Bray has a problem with this.  Wyatt feels he is the darkest force on Earth and says the awesome quote, “Be careful what you say Kane, because you never know who will hear it.”  Bray Wyatt has been awesome and one of his followers who wears the goat mask is super creepy as well.  It is also cool because a movie is coming out soon where the killers wear a sheep mask like that guy.
(Wait I really like this song)
  • Now the main event, John Cena against THE RYBACK in a tables match.  Good match, really showed off their dislike for each other and how Ryback is a bully and Cena is well, Superman.  They had a cool spot where they threw steal steps at each other, but Ryback gets greedy and doesn’t put away Cena.  Cena takes advantage and FUs Ryback through a table.  Then Daniel Bryan comes out to give Cena his title, but pulls it away and starts a YES! chant.  These two guys, though both faces, have done a pretty good job carrying this story, I am happy with it. Do I hope Bryan becomes champion?
(Thanks for the read!  Pass it along to friends and enjoy!)

At the risk of sounding like a Diva……

At the risk of sounding like a Diva……

So if you like professional wrestling, Divas and reality shows, (Yes, this is me) then look no further then the new reality show on E!, Total Divas.  I was very skeptical of this show, being on E!, the home of the Kardashians, but the show was actually pretty good.

(Dr.Spock, the show is actually watchable “gasps”)

Though I don’t know if you were not a wrestling fan if you would really like this show.  There is drama on and it does feel like a reality show, but it is a lot about wrestling (Which I love!).  It is cool to see the Superstars and Divas backstage, “without the cameras on” and being real people.  I have a couple complaints about the show, but I was pleasantly surprised, so let me tell you the bad news first before the good news.

(You mean the Divas Champion isn’t even on the show?!?! Or Kaitlyn?!?!)
Well the two top Divas in the WWE now are former Divas Champion Kaitlyn and current Divas Champion AJ, but neither are on the show about Divas (Makes total sense right).  These two girls have a better personality then everyone on the show already, are attractive (VERY ATTRACTIVE) and are better wrestlers then any of the other Divas!  I don’t get it, I know the Bella twins are marketable (Twinning) and they are dating John Cena and Daniel Bryan (Two top guys in the company), but still they should not leave out Divas just to follow those two mostly.  Again company politics come into place (Smark rant).  They even introduced two rookie Divas that have barley even been on TV (Or have any talent).  I get the show is trying to tell a story, but I wish they would have put the two top Divas on there (End of my rant).  Now on to the good stuff.
(These two are a good time, we will just start a reality show on our own!)
(Restraining order pending now)
So like I said earlier it was cool to see the backstage and behind the scenes action, but I didn’t expect to see as many other Superstars as I did besides the Divas.  John Cena, Daniel Bryan, one of the Usos and a couple more too.  I am a huge fan of the WWE (Obviously) and the more content I can get that’s a new spin on the WWE, I love it.  It was cool to see John Cena as a real person, not just the Superman he is on TV (He actually swore!) and it was also interesting that he was with one of the Bellas (WHY!?!?!).  I get that they are hot, but they are so annoying, on and off camera, and don’t know how Bryan and Cena can deal with them (Well I guess they are really really hot).  It was interesting to see things that have already happened in the WWE and see what the reaction to the events were like from backstage (Like the mixed tag match being canceled atWrestlemania).
(Maybe I see why they are with the Bellas)
Overall I like the show and am excited for the next one!  I wonder if they will incorporate it with RAW or at least we might see the two new Divas like last week (Ugh not impressed though).  So give this show a watch if you want to see more backstage stuff in the WWE or want to see some good ol’ American drama that E! is known for.  This show is just another thing that makes me want to be a Diva, I, I mean wrestler.  It looks like the most fun job on Earth and that is why I want to work for the company in some way.  I can dream right!  Thanks for the read, pass it along and get this blog big!  Have a nice day! (Mick Foley Reference) (Thumbs up)



Well this RAW was a smark/internet fan’s dream.  The show started with John Cena, talking about how much he respected Daniel Bryan and explained why he chose him for his challenger at Summer Slam.  Acting GM Brand Maddox played devil’s advocate and was hating on Bryan (Because that is what Vince McMahon wanted him to do) and eventually put Bryan in a Gauntlet match (He has to fight 3 opponents, one after the other).  So not only does the start of the show, have Cena (The face of the company) talking about how great Bryan is, Bryan will also wrestle three matches tonight (Smarks you can wipe the drool off your keyboards now).

(Daniel Bryan uuhhhhhhhggggguuuuuuuu)
Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus fight again for the 1,999,999,999,999th time, but the big story of the match was that Sheamus was still injured from the ladder match last week, so that’s why he lost.  He did have a really big bruise on his leg, and with his pale skin, it really stuck out and looked painful.  Though for some reason I have not been hating Sheamus as much, probably because he hasn’t been talking a lot.
(My leg hurts FELLA!)
So there were a lot of matches that meant nothing and this would be fine, BUT there was no Wyatt family on the show!  They were on Main Event last week and took out the fake rock band, 3MB, but they should also be on RAW.  I feel that this kills some of their momentum, maybe they didn’t want to force a match, but I think with how good the story is, they could have had them beat up someone at least.  There was at least a promo with them and I am excited still to see what happens when Kane comes back, since they have been calling him out.
(Couldn’t he have just taken out another jobber?!?!)
Well Mark Henry, after being a huge (Not a fat joke) heel, is now seeming like a face.  He has been calling out The Sheild after they attacked him a couple weeks ago and is trying to give them a beating of his own. This could still be a heel move, but he is getting the crowd to cheer him and getting the help of the face team, The Usos (Who were the last challengers for The Shield’s tag team titles).  I wonder if Henry will turn face (Either way he has been amazing on the mic and is looking the best he has in his career), but they are making The Shield look weak because in every attack they have been beat and run away from the fight.  It just seems weird that these guys are running after they were able to beat the team of Sheamus, Randy Orton and Big Show a couple months ago (Inconsistent much?).
(Not so much anymore)
And now the Divas (What the WWE calls the women wrestlers) on the new show Total Divas on E! came out to promote on Miz TV (Yes The Miz was annoying like always).  So things to take from here, The Miz (For the second time in a week on his show) will not interview anyone (THAT IS YOUR JOB!).  He calls Jerry “The King” Lawler to interview the Divas (Dumb, it’s on his show).  He interviews a new Diva and she slaps him for pretty much no reason (She said she was trying to make an impact, but she just looked dumb).  Other story here was that Brie Bella had a “wardrobe malfunction” (You could see her nipple) and the WWE has been angry about it, and rumor has it that they made her apologize (She did not try to do it and things happen).  I’m not going to post a picture of it here, but you have access to Google, so that’s on you.
(It’s Punk awesome promo time!)
So CM Punk comes out and continues to cut awesome promos, while being a face (Impressive, most impressive).  He has a great ability to be a face and heel at the same time, and no matter what people cheer him (He is great at what he does).  He challenges Brock Lesnar to a match at Summer Slam and calls the match the Best (Punk) vs the Beast (Lesnar)(Awesome name, can’t wait to see the match).  Paul Heyman comes up on the screen (Via satellite) and accepts the challenge, and both cut great promos (These guys can carry any story and make it gold!).
(And now the hottest man in show business steals the show)
Bryan first faces the two “Real Americans”, Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro.  Some notable things against Swagger was that the crowd chanted his college sucks (Oklahoma University) because they are from Texas (They are rivals).  But Swagger bites the dust, which then leads Bryan to face Cesaro in a match that stole the show.  They had awesome spots where they uppercutted each other in a back and forth brawl.  Cesaro hit Bryan with about ten uppercuts in a row (Which was awesome).  Both of these guys come from the indies (Independent wrestling leagues) and have wrestled each other a lot, so they were able to try new things and make it an awesome match.  The two did a lot of new moves and cool spots, which for me made this one of the best matches I have seen in awhile.
(Please watch this, amazing wrestling, awesome finish)
Well Bryan won the match and everyone thought that was it, but GM Brad Maddox sent out one more man, the self proclaimed “bully” Ryback.  Well Bryan won by DQ because Ryback put him through a table (He botched a power bomb and ended up having to do another power bomb, which looked dumb and out of place).  Cena came out to help Bryan (Even though Bryan said he didn’t want his help earlier in the night) and fought off Ryback and challenged him to a tables match next week.
(Super Cena to the rescue!)
The more interesting match that was made was between former partners, Daniel Bryan and Kane next week.  These guys have had a great friendship, but have been bickering at each other for the past couple months and now they will finally fight (And find out who was the weak link of the team!).  Kane is coming back for the first time next week after the beat down by the Wyatt family, so it should be interesting to see if they interfere with the match!
(The ultimate battle between YES! and NO!)
Thank you guys for the read!  Please comment, tell me what you like, what you think I should do differently or other suggestions.  Also if you could share this and tell your friends that would be…..AWESOME!

RAW V D! (Not a sexual disease)

RAW V D! (Not a sexual disease)

So now it’s time for RAW after a pay per view, that as of late have been amazing.  This show was also in Brooklyn, which if you remember had an amazing crowd the night afterWrestlemania, and this crowd was good (Not as good as after Wrestlemania, but still good).  Let’s get started!

(Sit back and have a good read, HEEE HEE!)
John Cena starts the show (NO REALLY!?!!) and talks about his win last night (WHAT!?!?!).  Then Fandango and Randy Orton come out.  This crowd made Fandango when he was there last time by chanting his theme song and thinking of a dance to go along with it (If it were not for this crowd Fandango would not be as over as he is in my opinion).  So it was cool to see him out there to challenge Cena.  Orton also said he would not hesitate to cash in his contract on Cena (Which will hopefully make for a heel turn!).  Then Fandago and Orton fight in actually a great match.
(Fandango has been getting better each week)
Then new General Manager Brad Maddox gave John Cena the opportunity to pick his opponent later tonight for the next pay per view Summer Slam.  He will pick at the end of the show.  Maddox also makes an awesome match between Chris Jericho and the returning Rob Van Dam!
(This is the crazy stuff RVD does)
The Wyatt family also returned to beat up jobber R-Truth (I thought that would happen when he came, why else would he be on RAW?)  Bray Wyatt cut an amazing live promo, which was good to see he could do it on videos and live.  He gave such a good promo, I got chills.  He is such a good bad evil awesome guy. Then his Buzzards (His followers) beat up R-Truth and called out Kane, who they took out last week.
(I love that Wyatt calls himself the eater of worlds like Galactus (Not a fat joke))
On a side not, play by play announcer Michael Cole says “changing gears” over three times, dude please think of a new saying.
(So much judging)
Now for the Y2J/RVD match.  Well it started out slow and sloppy to be honest.  These two men are great wrestlers and have had many matches against each other (In ECW and WWE).  The two men are not what they use to be as age is a B^@#$!  So they got all their signature spots in which was awesome because I have missed RVD (He has been in TNA….the wrestling show that gets less than a third of the views WWE gets).  Though I’m worried that he will get boring because he does the same moves every match  (Insert Cena joke here), but I hope RVD can show some new moves.  There were a lot of screw ups in the match, but overall it was good because of the nostalgia factor. RVD won with a great Five Star Frog Splash that he got a lot of air on (Which was way cool).
(RVD can do some cool stuff, but I wonder if they will even write a story for him)
So I will wrap this up with Cena’s Choice (No this was not a parody of Sophie’s Choice). All the superstars are on stage and Cena mentions people who could be his opponent (Of course he doesn’t mention everyone, like his old broski Zack Ryder).
(WTF, I thought we were bros!?!?)
He eventually chooses Daniel Bryan because the crowd is screaming his name and YES!  He comes out through all the Superstars and pushes them all the way from the back (He is so small, that you could not see him back there).  He then screams YES! in Cena’s face and I do as well.  I am very excited for this feud, Bryan is the most over in the company, which is amazing and he will be facing Cena! (This is the battle for all the souls of Smarks(Bryan) and Marks (Cena))  Can’t wait for this match and hopefully Bryan can pull on of the biggest upsets ever!
(This was my reaction watching from home)
I love Bryan, he shows that through hard work anything is possible, no matter the size.  I know cheesy, but I always wanted to be a wrestler and it is cool someone my size is doing it and killing it.  Hopefully he wins, but either way he will be over by the fans.  This show was good, not as good of a crowd after Wrestlemania, but still really good.  Thanks for the read guys!

Money in Da Bank, Shorty Whatcha Drank?!?!

Money in Da Bank, Shorty Whatcha Drank?!?!

So I had to work last Sunday during my favorite pay per view, Money in the Bank, but luckily I was able to catch some of it when I came back home on (They stream sports and sports PPV’s).  Though I was so tired from work that I missed the last two matches by falling asleep, but I did get to see this surprising win!

(It was music to my ears!)
Damien Sandow won the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank contract after winning a ladder match (But betraying his best friend Cody Rhodes).  This will hopefully set up a great feud between the two.  Cody was awesome in the match (And my favorite guy in the match and one I was pulling for to win), but I feel this match will help get his career back on track.
(It’s sad to see this friendship end, but it will make a great feud)
Dolph Ziggler could not get back his World Heavyweight title, because his girlfriend at the time AJ interfered with the match by hitting Alberto Del Rio with her Divas title (She successfully defended earlier in the night against Kaitlyn).  I hope this will give Ziggler a better face push because right now the crowd doesn’t even know what he is and hopefully he will be able to get back the WHC soon! (Or someone else besides Del Rio…ugh so boring).
(Sad panda Dolph Ziggler)
Oh and Cena beat Henry, it was a great feud, but is Cena winning ever a surprise?
(“I’m The Best!-In Toad’s voice from Mario Cart)
Then with the Money in the Bank ladder match for the WWE title, I was asleep through (Sad times).  These ladder matches are some of my favorite through the year, so I was disappointed, but this happened during the match.
(Irish brown eyes were smiling)
Though in a surprise to me Randy Orton won the match, which could be good because it could maybe turn him heel (Please yes do this!).   I was sad that Daniel Bryan didn’t win the match, but that wrong was made right on RAW.
(Maybe Orton winning can set up another awesome feud with Cena again)
Sorry I was late on this blog, I have been busy at work and my internet has been down because of construction around my house.  Hope you like it and I’m about to crank out a blog for this weeks RAW soon as well.  Thank you for the view!
(While I write my RAW blog)

RAW is….Husky?

RAW is….Husky?

Hello fans of men grappling!  Another pretty good Raw this week for the go home show (Last show before the Pay Per View).  They did some unoriginal things in this Raw like have the competitors in the Money in the Bank match go against each other in singles competition, (Six people, three-one on one matches) but to my surprise it was pretty good.  Let’s start out with the first match of the night! Daniel Bryan (One of my favorites) against Sheamus (You all know how I feel about him).

(When I see Sheamus, I make this face as well)
It was actually a great match that renewed their rivalry.  The match was close, but for my sake, Daniel Bryan was able to dodge a Brogue Kick, and reversed another one of Sheamus’s signature moves and won with a roll up pin!  And just to let you know, I did scream out YES! a couple times during the match (Like when Bryan kicked Sheamus in the head) and I am not ashamed of that.
(This was pretty much my face)
Another big happening on Raw was acting General Manager (Makes the matches and decisions on the show) Vickie Guerrero was fired.  The McMahon’s (Vince, the head of the board, Stephanie, his daughter and Triple H, married to Stephanie) have all been in a power struggle the last couple weeks.  They all want different things and Vickie as GM has suffered as they all fight because of her choices.  So Vince wants Vickie to stay, but the other two want her gone, so they go by the vote of the WWE Universe and she is fired (Because she is a heel).
(Her head imploded after hearing the decision)
Vince then made Brad Maddox as the GM, but he did this to make the WWE Universe suffer.  He was currently Vickie’s assistant, and Vince thinks he will do a poor job.  I think Maddox is awesome, he is funny, good on the mic and it is an interesting change.  I am excited to see what he will do.
(Brad Maddox, change you can believe in)
FINALLY, THE WYATT FAMILY IS HERE!  After weeks of amazing promos the family has arrived!  They had great videos leading up to this during the night, where a cameraman went to their compound to interview them and it was super creepy.  It was a lot like The Blair Witch Project which was way cool.  So they came out after Kane’s match and beat him up.  It was very well done, check out the video please.  If you are not a wrestling fan, I feel this kind of awesome stuff could get you into it!
(Almost perfect, but the fans suck for the chants!)
They were chanting Husky Harris, Bray Wyatt’s old character in the WWE.  He has come so far from this character and this took away from the debut, but it was still great.  Some fans think they are awesome because they know he use to be Husky, which is dumb (It’s like cool you are a smart fan trying to get yourself over and be funny, you are not).  Though it was still a great segment and I am excited to see what is next.
(Here was Husky back in the day, his slogan-“A tank with a Ferrari engine.”)
A pretty good RAW, oh yeah CM Punk beat Randy Orton in an awesome match for the main event which was cool.  I am way excited to see Money in the Bank, but I have to work during it so I have to watch it the next day (Pretty sad about that, but have to be a grown up I guess).  Hope all is well with you guys, thanks for the read and have a good day!