Category Archives: Uncategorized



So I have someone else in the WWE I am drinking Hateraid on, and this man is no other than……THE………..MIZ!  “I’M THE MIZ AND I”M………………..awesome?”

(More like awful)
I use to like The Miz, but then he turned face and has been an annoying jerk (Even worse than before).  The Miz’s journey would be a dream for me.  He started out on the Real World  (I would love to be on reality TV…duh) and then went on a WWE reality show,Tough Enough.  Then after working hard he finally became a WWE Superstar.  Here is a clip of him on the Real World.
(Wow he is a douche)
So maybe I would have done it differently, (I would hope I wouldn’t be like him on the show) but I admire how much he has accomplished in my eyes.  I would be of course Down Town PT Brown in my wrestling alter ego (Pretty much me in hype-tool-guido-party-heel-guy-bro-yeah).  It is sad to see The Miz used as a face because he doesn’t know how to be a good one, he is just a jerk bully like Sheamus.
(I’m like you now fella!)
Though Miz still has a great life.  Former WWE champion, main eventedWrestlemania against John Cena and won (The Rock interfered with the match), he still works with MTV, he is a major face for the WWE and is on talk shows all the time, he has his own talk show (In the WWE) and he is engaged to former WWE Diva and Playboy model, Maryse.
So I do wish my life was like The Miz because it is pretty AWESOME! (I know lame joke)  I just hope he can be less annoying so I can stop hating him.  He also has a great theme song and entrance video that my friends and I love (And laugh at).
(He makes the craziest faces)
After writing this blog, it makes me want to like The Miz.  I mean I would love to have had the success he has had in his life.  But please, please stop acting like Sheamus so I can stand you again.  Thank you!

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello everyone and a happy independence day!  Sorry for no Raw review this week, it has been crazy busy, but next week I will get back at it.  I will give you a quick recap though.

(Hoooooooo!  Happy Birthday America from Jim Duggan!)
  • Sheamus was a bully jerk face again (No Really?!?!)
  • Daniel Bryan responded by saying he should kick him self in the face by calling 1-800-FELLA (What I was thinking as well).
(Hopefully he will be champion again soon!)
  • The Wyatt family is coming next week! (They have had great videos promoting them coming and they look really cool and creepy).

(Yeah you won’t take back roads anymore, am I right?)
  • One more week until the pay per view, Money in the Bank! (My favorite pay per view of the year!)
  • The wrestlers fight in a ladder match where they are to get the case above the ring, if they get it, the guy has a contract for the big title (Either World or WWE title).  They can cash in the contract anytime they want, even after the champion had a match and is injured or tired (What usually happens).  The show is unpredictable and pushes a talent that hasn’t usually had the title (Which I love).
(Cool stuff like this happens)
Have a fun fourth of July and I will leave you with this!

Send in the Clowns

Send in the Clowns

As you all know I am not too fond of Sheamus, but very fond of Mr. Zack Ryder.  This blog post is why I like Zack even more now!  Sheamus has his videos that tell people to call 1-800-FELLA (It pains me to type that in) and they are about him Brogue Kicking (His finisher) things to solve problems (Because that’s how problems get solved, with violence) (Be A Star!).

(Finally he found an opponent as dumb as he is)

He Brogue kicks everyone, that is what he do!  And now he is taking his skills outside the ring for the good of mankind (God bless him!).  Here is one of them.

(I’m sure they would let him in without a shirt….or pants)
And now Zack Ryder has come out with a parody video, Zack Ryder’s 1-800-WWWYKI (Woo Woo Woo You Know It) about him getting buried (Not used right or wasting his talent and time) in the WWE.  Getting buried is what Zack Ryder do right now in the WWE! (The “that’s what he do” thing is Mark Henry’s catch phrase and I love it, so I use it all the time)  Here it is, Ryder being awesome (But also always complaining) about being buried.  (Sorry, I could not get the video to work on the blog, but there is a link below)
(I’m sorry Zack!  Don’t leave me!)

So there you have it!  This is it for the post, let me know what you like, hate or love about the blog.  Please share with your friends and comment!  Also RIP Doink the Clown, he passed today and was a WWE Legend, well kind of.  But he will be missed!

(Doink gave a lot of kids smiles and also nightmares)

And remember kids, Take Care, Spike Your Hair, Woo Woo Woo…….You Know It!

My Favorite Broski

My Favorite Broski

It’s about time to tell you about one of my favorite wrestlers, but there are still other guys that are either more talented, fun to watch or get more TV time, which is most people (With the TV time), but I have a special place in my heart for the Woo Woo Woo Kid.  This man is the Internet Champion, Zack Ryder!  Woo Woo Woo U Know It! (His catch phrase)

(Zack Ryder with Hugh Jackman aka Wolverine)
So what originally drew me to Zack was that he was a Broski (or bro or guido) and I am very into Jersey Shore (Yes I still am, great TV) and at times a bro (A lot of the time).  Ryder had great catch phrases, was a good in ring performer and also had an awesome YouTube show.  The show is called Z! True Long Island Story and it is great.  Zack shows his creativity and character through it.  This was a major way he was getting popular because he did not have a lot of TV time for people to know him.  Check out this episode to get a taste.
                                      (The first of many episodes of Z! True Long Island Story)
Through people liking him on Facebook, following him on twitter and subscribing to him on YouTube, he was able to gain attention.  He then crowned himself the Internet champion, and rightfully so.  His T-shirts would sell out on and the WWE heads started to take notice.  They finally gave Zack Ryder the push he deserved because he was able to get himself over to the fans.
(Along with Zack, the internet was saying, “YES!”)
He became the United States champion and started getting more TV time than he had ever had before.  It was great, but all great things come to an end.  Zack teamed up with John Cena and was in the main event going against a demented Kane, and that is where things headed south, like deep south (Hell joke, Kane is Hell’s favorite demon).  He was buried (Beat and made his character look bad, but I don’t blame Kane for this, blame the writers) by not only Kane, but by his love interest at the time Eve.
(At least he did get some payback)
Zack then lost his US title, lost at Wrestlemania for his team by getting screwed over by Eve, and slowly lost his time on TV.  Ryder struggled for awhile to try and get back his deserved spotlight, but the WWE moved on to other guys.  He continued to make his shows, but eventually even stopped doing that because the WWE was publishing his shows and would edit them.  Zack was not happy with this and stopped doing the show.  He tried other attempts to gain attention, like when he was on TV he would wear trunks that said “Push Me”, for a hint to Vince McMahon, but it was not no avail.
(Obviously at this point in Ryder’s career he lost this match to Mark Henry)
Zack would also post on Twitter about his complaints of not being on TV.  Though when he was on TV he would almost always job, which did nothing for him.  He has not been able to even touch a mic or do a promo in God knows when.  It is really sad that he cannot get this time because the crowd still cheers for him, but as time goes on, they start to lose their faith in him.
(I’m still a Broski, Zack!)
Now Zack even lost his gel! (No more take care, spike your hair) and has went back to long trunks instead of short trunks (I don’t know if that matters, but still!).  I hope Zack isn’t losing faith and hopefully the WWE will give him another chance.  You never know, someone could get hurt, he could move up a spot, and get a story.
(I don’t dig the hair down bro!)
But please check out his stuff on YouTube, he is a great entertainer, interesting guy and shows how the internet can be used to become famous (aka Justin Bieber).  I have even met people at bars while I was DJing and they recognized my Zack Ryder shirt.  We threw up the LI (Long Island) fingers like Zack does and continued to talk about how much we love Ryder.  I have three of his t-shirts!  I will leave you with this last video, Zack Ryder’s tribute to boy bands with his single, “Hoeski”.  Zack if you read this I bought the t-shirt, followed you on all social medias, and I still have faith!  Woo Woo Woo U Know It!
(I think a boy band character would be an interesting turn for his career, I don’t know if it would be good, but better than nothing!)

RAW from the BAR

RAW from the BAR

So this week I watched Raw at the good ol’ Mill Street Tavern in Cannon Falls, Minnesota.  If you didn’t know (This time you don’t have to call somebody) Cannon Falls only has 4,000 people in the town, so on a Monday night, it is a little slow.  At one point my friend and I where the only ones at the bar.  Of course I was having my favorite drink, Mountain Dew with Vodka (I know so classy).  I have it so much the bartender knows what to get me when I sit down at the bar (It’s my Steveweiser (Stone Cold Steve Austin’s drink of choice)).

(Out of courtesy for the bar, I did not do this with my drinks)

So he also knows if I come in on a Monday Night that I want the channel to be on USA (The channel RAW is on).  There are three TVs, two had game 6 of the NHL (Hockey) Stanley Cup finals, which all bars would have on, but one had on RAW (Yeah I am that guy).

(I wonder if their fights are fake too?)

The TV was also on mute and I did not have my full attention on RAW, so I watched it again today.  It wasn’t as good of RAW as last week, but it also made it worse that I didn’t really watch it live.  Also they knew RAW was going to be up against  game six of the Stanley Cup, so I don’t know if that played into it as well, but I thought it was a solid show.  Let’s get started.

(My reaction to the start of RAW)
Daniel Bryan started out this RAW with a great promo about him being the weak link.  With anyone else I feel this angle he has been in would get stale, but he brings so much to his character that I still like it.  And he does something even more amazing, make Randy Orton interesting! (No really I am serious)  Both characters are faces right now, but both are also showing heel tendencies, which to me makes their characters more interesting.  They start out with an angry conversation then a brawl that gets them both disqualified, which leads to their match in the main event.  I like both of their styles, but I think Bryan can get a good match out of anyone (even the stiff legged Great Khali…..BOOK IT!).
(A Great Khali in a dress match!)
Ok did I mention I hate Sheamus?  Well yeah I dislike this Brogue (Like bro, get it except he is Irish) and he gave me another reason to do so.  He has these new commercial like things that are suppose to be funny, but of course are not to me.  The commercials are advertising to call 1-800-FELLA (He says fella because he is an Irish stereo type haha so funny).  Here is one of them that showed on this RAW.
(Funny Right?!?!)
So I have a few questions……
1. Why is the lady not freaked out of a large pale man in front of her?
2. Why is Sheamus always in his wrestling gear outside of the ring and arena?
3. 1-800-FELLA could not be a phone number because of the number of digits (That is just a statement).
4. What is the purpose of this? (It doesn’t push him or show him doing anything new or funny)
5. If they are doing this, why don’t they mention it on the show?
(If I don’t just ignore it, this will happen)
I loved CM Punk confronting Paul Heyman about Brock Lesnar attacking him last week.  They both brought up personal stuff about the past and it was cool to hear about their history.  Also both men are amazing on the mic and really can tell a story.  I am excited to see where this feud goes.  Punk forgave Heyman, but the tension is still very high!  And it was made more intense later by Heyman by bringing out his current client, Curtis Axel to save CM Punk from a two on one attack.  Punk was not very happy by this “kind” gesture by Heyman and felt he could handle the two on his own.  Though because of this Punk and Axel will team up against the Prime Time Players next week (Which I am super excited about)!
(I was as excited as the PTP thinking about millions of dollars)
I also liked the continued feud between AJ and Kaitlyn.  Kaitlyn had a match (Easy win against a jobber, I don’t even want to name her) and AJ came out to taunt her.  She did this by wearing a muscle body suit pretending to be Kaitlyn and reenacted Kaitlyn getting Catfished (Secret admirer stuff then meeting later) by Big E Langston.  Big E played Kaitlyn and she was very hurt by this, so bring it up made her a lil pissed.  I hope they keep giving time to this feud (Yes because I think both of them are hot, but it is also interesting to see a good diva story).  Mark Henry had another great promo which did this to John Cena’s promo.
(Crushed him….)
John Cena had a good promo just Henry has been on lately, but both are doing a good job making this an interesting feud we have already seen once before.
(Go Henry! Go Henry Go Henry)
Sorry I have to post this too (It’s too good not to).
(He deserves one of these for last weeks performance (I mean the award))
Now wrapping up a couple things,
I like Dolph Zigger continuing to attack and break up Alberto Del Rio’s matches (especially against Chris Jericho the past two matches).  Jericho and Ziggler have feuded in the past and that could be interesting if they incorporate it into Del Rio feud.
(Just keep giving me more Dolph and I will be happy)
Where was Zack Ryder? 😦 (I am still a fan even though he is a jobber now) :/
(I know it’s a lost cause)
And finally wow Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton’s street fight match in the main event was great.  They both did really good jobs and there was a lot of cool spots.  Bryan dove through the ropes only to get smashed by a chair from Orton, Orton was power bombed through a table from the ring apron, Bryan was thrown into a table (Didn’t break right, but it was still cool) and Orton lost!  Bryan had him tap to the cross face (His finisher or called the Yes or No Lock) while using a kendo stick to apply pressure.  Bryan had been obsessing over beating Orton to show he is not the weak link, but lost in a count out and won in a count out the last two matches.  I wish they would have saved this result for a Pay Per View, but it was a great match on free TV! It was cool to see Orton show respect to Bryan even after the loss.
(Proud of you)
Please tell your friends about this blog!  Tell me what you think about it and write a comment please.  And my advice for the week, subscribe to a wrestling podcast.  Why not?  They are usually funny, joke about wrestling, but also show their love for it (A lot like this blog).  My favorite is Smart Wrestling Fan, go look it up on iTunes or go to their web site and check it out!  Thank you for reading!



I know that comedy and politics go hand and hand, but does politics go with wrestling?  Apparently yes.  Last night on the Comedy Central’s The Daily Show they had footage from this weeks great Monday Night Raw.  What they were covering was radical Zeb Colter and his views on immigration and his “Real America”.  Colter is suppose to be a tea party member who wants to keep America pure and like it use to be in his eyes (Without immigrants, even though we are almost all immigrants to this land).

(This is what happened when Zeb found out Taco Bell was Mexican food)

He has taken on such clients as the All-American American Jack Swagger and has them fight to promote his views.  This last week, since Swagger is out with a hand injury, he has a new client, A FOREIGNER!  This man is former United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro.  He believes that Cesaro, though not from America, came to the country the right why and displays what a good American immigrant is.  Another important thing in Zeb’s mind about Cesaro is that he speaks English (Also four other languages).

(Cesaro might not be from Italy, but he knows how to beat up a beat)

After Zeb’s speech on the current hot button issue of immigration, Cesaro had a match against Englishman, William Regal.  Cesaro made quick work of the veteran Regal, but the story that caught The Daily Show’s attention was what the commentators were talking about.  They even mentioned the host filling in for Jon Stewart, Jon Oliver and how Zeb was not pleased that a foreigner (He is from England….that’s the joke).  Oliver took offence to this (jokingly, The Daily Show is a comedic commentary on politics) and reacted like this.

(Check his real reaction on the link below)

Immigration & the WWE 

As you saw Oliver actually complimented the WWE about talking about this and felt they were more open about the issue than other networks or politicians are.  Obviously people in the WWE are playing characters and they argued on both sides of the issue during commentary of the match.  Oliver was mocked Colter and sent a challenge Zeb’s way after ripping off the sleeves to his suit and grabbing a toy title belt.  Oliver cut a promo on Zeb with WWE Hall of Famer, Mick Foley.  They both obviously disagreed with his character and offered him a chance to come on the show.  Though after this challenge Foley said he was busy promoting his documentary on Santa Claus and could not back up Oliver.

(Sorry about that Jon boy!)

Will he accept?  That would be awesome if he would.  He plays a character that I think would have a good back and forth dialog with Oliver.  Zeb is great on the mic and is very committed to his character and maybe if people saw how ridiculous he is, they might realize this issue is just that, ridiculous.  This is just my view, but this blog is not about politics, unless wrestling is involved.  I would like to see the WWE continue to push this, but in a smart way, I am ok if it is somewhat offence, just have it be interesting, not just for the shock value.  What do you guys think?  I love seeing WWE on other shows I like, and I know Vince McMahon does as well.  Free publicity!

(Millions of Dollars, Millions of Dollars!)
The Daily Show also gave the WWE the sacred spot of the moment of zen at the end of the show.  This is a video clip from something outrageous that happened during the day that is so funny or crazy it doesn’t need an explanation.  It is definitely a shout out to the tea party with the “Don’t tread on me flag”, but I’ll let you see the clip yourself.  So here it is, your moment of zen (I always wanted to do that).  Thanks for reading!

Raw is Well Done

Raw is Well Done

Ha get it, a steak joke for the title of this blog, but I digress.  Wow Raw was good, from start til finish.  I started taking notes to make it easier to write this blog, but I was distracted by the utter goodness that was in front of me.  Ever week I tune into Raw (I try to watch Main Event and Smackdown too, but it is hard when half the show is a recap ofRaw) because you never know when you will get a great episode like this one.  Last night was a treat and why I love wrestling.  There were heel and face turns, swerves, comebacks, great matches and great promos.First let’s start with the Alberto Del Rio turn.  Not a huge fan of his (Kinda dry and boring to me) but he had a great promo about how the fans never gave him the respect he deserved.  Which they did give him some respect, but he was never over as much as the other faces.  He took advantage of Dolph Ziggler’s recent concussion and won the World Heavy-weight Championship (WHC) last Sunday at Payback.  Del Rio drew much heat (or boos) from not only winning the title off Ziggler, but coming out after the match and celebrating.  He had a good point though, Ziggler cashed in his title match on him when he was hurt and took advantage, and that is what Del Rio did as well.  But no need to fear, CM Punk is here!  CM Punk cut a great promo against Del Rio, again saying he is the best in the world, but also setting up a great main event for the night.  Also by doing this he started to tease his face turn or at least an anti-hero status.  This was solidified later, by Punk breaking away from Paul Heyman and saying that he did not want his help anymore.

 (Love me some Punk to start out my Raw)
Next there was a return!
The last time we saw Christian on TV, this happen…..
(CM Punk showing Christian the dangers of concussions)
Christian came back to face former Intercontinental Champion (IC) Wade Barrett.  And as we have seen over the last month, Barrett jobs (or loses) to Christian, but in an ironic factor, because right before Christian hit the Kill Switch (I still like the Unprettier more, his finishing move) Barrett went into the ring post.  This is usually a Christian move, so maybe he scouted that out while he was on the shelf for nearly a year.
Next my least favorite superstar came out.
(So much Hateraid drank for him)
Sheamus faced Team Rhodes Scholars in a handicap match, but luckily since thisRaw was awesome…..He lost with a Damien Sandow roll up pin!
(And you thought I would job, Your Welcome.)
Ok, I am not going talk about every single thing that happened on this Raw because there was so much good stuff and well three hours of content is a lot to cover.  Next I will talk about the Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan match, a match set up after they lost to the Sheild at Payback.  This match was a no disqualification match, “voted” on by the WWE Universe.  I was intrigued by this match, which guy will turn heel, will Orton actually job, but we did not find out because Bryan was hurt during the match.  Michael Cole later announced that he suffered a “stinger” which at the time could feel like a bad injury, but it is just a major pain.  I was not sure during the match if this was a work (fake) because they did that with Ziggler Sunday night, but I think it was real.  It was great that Orton showed respect to Bryan, but Orton I love ya, just turn heel!
(Get on with your crazy self Randy)
Next was Mark Henry’s retirement speech after John Cena’s Recycled “I came, I saw, I conquered, The Champ is Here” speech.  Mark Henry had a heart felt speech, showed a lot of emotion, wore a salmon colored suit and I thought it would be the end for him.  But then when Henry and Cena hugged he slammed him!  You know why? BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT HE DO!  This was my reaction watching this happen.
(Ronny Turiaf marking out as well)
That was one of the best swerves I have seen in all my years as a wrestling fan and I am happy that Henry is not leaving yet.  I think he still has “Somethin left in the tank” like he said and is a very good performer.  He is a monster in the ring, cuts great promos and is interesting.  This is something that can not be said of most of his career, but now he is great now and this last promo shows that.
(How did three hours of Raw go by so fast?!?!)
Well the main event was a good back and fourth between Punk and Del Rio, but after aGo To Sleep (GTS, CM Punk’s finisher) Del Rio left the match.  While Del Rio was leaving Dolph Ziggler flew out of nowhere and attacked him.  I have always loved Ziggler, but I am not sure how he will be as a face.  Not that attacking a bad guy makes you a face, but I get a strong feeling that is where it is going.  I am excited either way.  I hope Ziggler losing the title will lead to something good and him getting it back.  Then after all that excitement this man returned.
(Bork Laser is back)
So now that Punk is not “officially” a Paul Heyman guy, because he doesn’t want to be his client, Brock comes out and shows Punk a lesson in loyalty.  He F5‘ed (his finisher) CM Punk ending Raw with a bang.
Great Raw for me.  Of course I left some stuff out, like a wardrobe malfunction by Kaitlyn (Which now has it’s own twitter account dedicated to it-@KaitlynsNipple_).  But the Diva’s division looks promising besides that with AJ as the new champion.  I don’t want to jump the gun, but they could be the next Trish Stratus and Lita if they keeping going like this (Yeah a lot of if’s).  I am very excited for next week, even for Smackdown this week.  ThisRaw was a much needed reset and the WWE has my full attention.
Thank you guys for reading, if you want to comment, please do!  I know this was a GIF loaded blog, just trying something out, but tell me what you think.

Smark N’ Marks

Smarks N’ Marks

Welcome to my new blog.  My goal is to write about one of my biggest passions, professional wrestling.  I am a recent college grad and my dream in life is to one day work for the WWE or something in this business (Triple H Joke).  In this blog I don’t want to sound like a Smark, if anything I want to sound like a Mark.  I love professional wrestling, you take the good, you take the bad and then you have my passion.
(Picture of me a couple years ago: yes I am a Cena fan and I was very excited, notice the sweat stains)


But to I will explain more, if you don’t know what Smark or Mark means.  A Smark is the “smart” fan who thinks they know about the pro wrestling business and the tricks of the trade.  The internet fan that loves the rumors and back stage talk.  The internet fan who wants to know everything that is going on that is wrestling.    These people are usually very critical on the product, cheer for heels, either because they are very good at what they do, or they want to be cool to cheer on the bad guy.  Another thing I have noticed about Smarks is that they also are downers at times, not all of them are, but I know some and it is hard to watch wrestling with them.  When people can’t even enjoy the good things about wrestling because they feel that it still could have been better.  They are pretty much the hipsters of wrestling.  If it is cool or popular they usually don’t like it.  I feel they also compare everything to the Attitude Era (The time during the late 90s, Monday Night War with WCW, Stone Cold, The Rock….Wikipedia it if you want to learn more).  They feel that things are not as good as they use to be, some people are like this with music or movies.  I feel they are not all bad, they appreciate when things are done well, they enjoy the technical wrestling and also appreciate wrestling at other levels besides WWE or TNA.  They do though have a huge passion and care about the product a lot.  This is probably one of the reasons they are so critical because they love it so much.  It might seem like I am trashing Smarks, but I am one! I am trying to be more of a Mark, but it’s a day by day thing.  I just got my two month token.


(John Cena T-shirt Guy: I think he secretly did this as a scream for attention to gain his love… worked)


Marks cheer for the good guys or faces and boo the bad guys or heels.  These fans enjoy the big finishing moves, the big stars and are along for the ride.  Some don’t even know that wrestling is fake (sorry if I ruined that for you).  They also sometimes don’t appreciate good things about wrestling, such as heels.  The heels sometimes are the most talented wrestlers in the business. Dolph Ziggler, CM Punk, Mr.Perfect, Ted Dibiase Sr., even Stone Cold Steve Austin was a heel at times.  Some also don’t appreciate the little things, but they do love when a plan comes together (Yes like the A-Team).  The thing I do love about Marks is that they are along for the ride, they let their walls down and enjoy wrestling for what it is (Yes sometimes it is crap, but there is always something good going on).  But whether good or bad, it’s still something I love.


(It’s still real to me dammit!)
So in this blog I have a couple of goals.  I want to talk about current wrestling, somethings I enjoy and notice(I’ll try not to complain too much), funny stuff, cool stuff and pretty much stuff I am interested in dealing with wrestling.  Ya know the good stuff!  Please comment, tell me what you want me to talk about.  Let’s start a conversation, us wrestling fans have to stay together!  My next blog will be the format I want the blog to be.  Thanks for reading!  And these are my opinions about Marks and Smarks from my experiences.